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Examen de Grado de Doctorado
20 noviembre, 2018 @ 4:00 pm - 6:00 pm
Dark Vector Dark Matter
Doctorando Sr. Bastián Díaz Sáez
We explore an extension to the Standard Model which incorporates a vector field in the fundamental representation of SU(2)L as the only non-standard degree of freedom. This kind of field may appear in different scenarios such as Compositeness, Gauge-Higgs unification and extradimensional scenarios. We study the model in which a Z2 symmetry is manifiest, making the neutral CP-even component of the new vector field a vectorial dark matter candidate. We constraint the parameter space through LEP and LHC data, as well as from current dark matter searches. We find that the model is highly constrained but a small region of the parameter space can provide a viable DM candidate. Additionally we contrast our predictions on mono-Z,, mono-jet and mono-Higgs production with the ones obtained in the well-studied inert Two Higgs Doublet Model. Finally, comments on the implications of perturbative unitarity are presented.
Dr. Alfonso Zerwekh, Profesor Guía,
Universidad Técnica Federico Santa María
Dr. Claudio Dib, Referente Interno,
Universidad Técnica Federico Santa María
Dr. Diego Aristizabal, Referente Interno,
Universidad Técnica Federico Santa María
Dr. Marco Aurelio Díaz , Referente Externo
Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile
Sala de Conferencias Dr. Luciano Laroze, E-300