Olivera Mišković
Doctor en Física, Universidad de Santiago de Chile (2004)
Profesor Titular
Instituto de Física, PUCV
Áreas de Interés: (Super) Gravedad, Dualidad Gauge/Gravedad, Física de agujeros negros, Correspondencia AdS/CFT
“My research interests are in the area of gravity, supergravity and quantum field theory. Recently, I have been working on applications of Gauge/Gravity duality (holographic superconductors, quantum Ward identities, IR renormalization of gravity) and study of physical properties of black holes (their thermodynamics, conserved charges and entropy). My other topics of interest are Hamiltonian formalism, relation of geometry and space-time singularities, asymptotic structure of gravitational theories, etc.
Other important aspects of my academic life are activities related to international collaboration and interaction with graduate and postgraduate students and postdoctoral researchers.”
I obtained my BSc and MSc degrees at University of Belgrade, Serbia, trained in a rigorous way of the Russian School. I left Serbia after the bombing of Belgrade to complete my PhD at University of Santiago of Chile, guided by Jorge Zanelli (CECs, Valdivia). After that, I had a postdoctoral position at Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile with Máximo Bañados, also visiting the Max-Planck Institute for Gravitational Physics in duration of one year. I have been at the PUCV since 2006, collaborating with the researchers from Chile and abroad, including Serbia.